14 Questions to Ask When Hiring A Commercial Roofing Company

Are you looking for a commercial roof? Knowing how to ask questions should take you to a reputable company for the project. Commercial roofers must follow several standards when working on the roof of your building. There are certain qualities that differentiate companies in the roofing sector, but there are other questions that will give you peace of mind when you start the project when you answer them.
Commercial roofs are very different from residential roofs, so you need to make sure that the roofers you rent can handle this big project. Ask the roofing companies you want to hire, these questions; The person who answers the most questions is best suited for the job.
1. Can you provide proof of insurance and license?
While this question may seem very clear and a little trivial, it will save you some major liability issues in the long run. All roofing companies and contractors must have insurance and a permit to work in their state. A roofer must have liability insurance to cover their jobs, employees and negligence in the event of damage or safety hazard. For you, this means that your business does not have to pay to fix damage or safety issues, but you can hold the roofing company or contractors accountable.
In addition to these credit and financial coverage, being a licensed and insured roofing company means that they are reliable and have extensive knowledge of the construction and city code of your property.
2. Are the subcontinent working on the roofing project?
Sub-operators work with a roofing company if they need additional hands on the roof or assistance with specialized services such as ventilation or handling of power units. You should know all the people working on your roofing project as the subcontractors must also have permits and insurance.
On the other hand, roofers themselves may not have ES-1 certification from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which qualifies materials to withstand high winds and storms. Subdirectors can participate with this certification because it is difficult to obtain and will aid in material raising.
Responsibility for hazards and damage during or after a roofing project should not be placed with your company, but with those working on the project or material manufacturer.
3. What is your previous experience with commercial roofs?
Unfortunately, not all companies claiming “commercial roofing companies” have actual commercial roofing experience. If you hire them then this may be your first commercial roofing project. Unless you want to take a risk, we recommend that you ask them questions about their previous work experience. The more positive the experience is with commercial roofing projects, the better.
4. Do you have any relevant references?
To further demonstrate the value and reliability of the roofing company’s expertise, ask them for references from other commercial roofing contracts that they have entered into. Relevant references are business references for roofing.
Just because they have a large number of residential roofing references does not make them the most valuable reference. If you hire a commercial roofing company and care about your job, then you need to know if others are satisfied with your similar job.
5. What is better than your competition?
Why should you hire this commercial roofing company? What makes them so special when compared to other competitors that they might do the same thing? If you ask this question to the roofing company, you have an excuse to show how valuable they are.
The price may be lower than the industry standard. Perhaps they use environmentally friendly materials. Either way, ask them to explain to you why you should choose them.
6. What roofing system do you recommend for my area and building?
No one knows better what kind of roof your building should protect from the outside world. Roofs are very specific to the type of building you have, climate change of the year, and climate in your area. Do you have a flat roof? Would spray polyurethane foam (SPF) be better than a metal roof?
See the list of roof system recommendations that the roof has for you and your commercial building needs.
7. What are the fire safety measures?
Why should you worry about your roof catching fire? If an accident occurs that causes a fire, your roof should be at least fire resistant. If an electrical unit, cigarette, or electric sparks come out of your roof, the roof should be able to protect the rest of the building from fire.
If only the roof is affected, how long will it take for the fire to spread to other parts of the building? How long does it take for the fire to go out? Check with the roofing company what safety measures have been taken in the event of an emergency fire.
8. Do I have to replace or repair the roof of my company building?
Maybe you thought that you need to make some minor repairs to the roof of your building. But what if the repair is not enough to keep your roof strong, durable and weather resistant? A strong roof is a durable roof.
Request an inspection from your roof to inspect your entire roof. Roof inspectors will basically list the damage and necessary repairs that they suggest. If there are too many of these repairs or restorations on the checklist, they may suggest removing the old roof and putting in a new one. If they think that the cost of roof damage will be higher than that of a new roof, they may also recommend roof replacement.
Some roofing companies offer free inspections, so check their website quickly for the cost of the inspection.
9. Do you offer a roof maintenance program?
If you ultimately enjoy the work involved in repairing, replacing or installing a new roof, then you want to stay with the company you know and trust to do a good job. Roofing companies sometimes provide maintenance programs for commercial buildings. They will appear regularly to maintain the structure and durability of your commercial roof.
These roof maintenance programs can be reduced based on previous roofing projects or they can be a bonus for the period after the installation of a new roof. Ask the roofer if they offer a roof maintenance program, how much it will cost and how long it will take.
10. What is the estimated duration of the project?
If you have a set time for the repair or roof installation or repair to begin and end, you must set a start date. By confirming a start date with the roofing company, they are given time to review the logistics and purchase the right materials.
When choosing a start date, ask the roofer how long he / she expects the project to take. They will have a better understanding of the projected data from beginning to end after a complete roof inspection.
There are several factors that a roof should consider when finalizing an expected completion date. They need to create a logistics report, purchase materials, work with the weather, bring their contractors and possibly subcontractors together, and review building safety codes and regulations.
Roofers have to remove debris or old roofing materials, for which the time required to complete is difficult to estimate. In addition, they should clean up any excess material, debris and other safety hazards that may arise in the process.
You need the commercial roofing outline to be completed as soon as possible due to the safety, noise, and possible difficulty to our employees or customers.. However, you also want quality work. Therefore, it is very important to request multiple citations, not only for the budget, but also for the time spent on the project.
11. Can you provide the manufacturer’s information?
Roofers work directly with roofing material manufacturers. They usually have a list of manufacturers who work in your area. You can ask them to provide information about the manufacturers from whom they will purchase the material. Information you should be aware of includes:
Is this an ethical company?
Do you use environmentally friendly materials?
Is the roofing manufacturer certified with the material manufacturer?
Where is the manufacturer located? – If the contractor orders from a non-local manufacturer, it may cost more to ship the material.
12. Can you provide a copy of the roof and material warranty?
You want to know about warranties and commercial roofing materials and what they cover. Ask the contractor for information and copies of the contractor’s warranty policy for roofing materials and manufacturer’s materials. These warranties protect you against defects and damage to roofing materials and roofing company operations.
Roof warranties can last 10 to 50 years. It is best to choose a roof warranty that lasts between 20 and 50 years, so you do not need to install new roofs every few years.
13. Who will supervise and supervise the roofing project?
The last question is “who will oversee the entire roofing project?” This project manager ensures that your wishes are fulfilled and the entire project runs smoothly from beginning to end. Why do you want to know who is the project manager for your commercial roof? They will be responsible for budget, time, contractors, and subcontracts in the field and other logistics. They are points of contact that will answer all your questions in the future.
14. Additional tip: hire a local commercial roof
It goes without saying that you want to hire a local commercial roofing company. Local companies will be able to better understand the difficulties encountered during the project and prepare your roof for a sustainable period. They are familiar with similar roofing projects and have mostly got work to do because of the weather.
We are happy to answer any other questions you may have regarding your commercial roofing project!
Call us today and get free roofing quote and inspection