7 Tips For Holding A Successful Marketing Event


You certainly don’t need a huge advertising budget to hold a successful marketing event. Neither do you need a celebrity endorsing your event to open the door to success? Both these are still fine but not all businesses can afford them. That does not mean you can’t plan and hold a successful marketing event. Plan well and make little things fall into place. You can surely make your digital marketing event as successful as you want. The key is in the basics, and the real turnaround will lie in making the best use of technology around.  

Tips for holding a successful marketing event

1. Create an event page or website for the event 

To host a marketing event, you should first have a dedicated event page or website. So that words can go out effectively. You don’t need much of a budget for creating such a page and plus. It will help a lot in garnering attention for the event. A good event page should have a little yet compelling description of the event. It must also have details of the VIP guests, speakers, and their biographies. If you could put together some videos, that would add more value. Don’t forget to add a visible “Register Now!” button.   

2. Send our pre-event emails

Emails would be an amazing tool to send invites and generate personalized hype for the event. Before shooting emails, make sure you have a list. It would be even better if the same list can’t be shared with partners and associates to multiply the reach. It’s also important to have an engaging subject line with the mails. If possible send them during the weekend. You can also include social proof of the event. This will definitely catch more attention for your event.   

3. Make the best use of social network 

When social channels are around, why would you need to spend on other forms of paid marketing to generate hype for your event? You can leverage the power and reach of popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc through social media design. And make the event more popular without paying much. It would be a mistake to restrict yourself to only a few social channels. You can get more benefits by using more of them in combination. So, you should not hesitate in benefiting from social media as it can take your events to more places than you could imagine.  

4. Get your vendor selection right 

Vendors are going to have a big role in the success of any event so their selection is quite important. If you manage to find the right vendors for your event, it will ensure that everything goes as smoothly as you want or as you planned. There are some popular event-planning directories to search, compare and match prices and services of vendors and you can use them to zero down on the vendor you need. With a reliable vendor by your side, you would not have to sweat for things going haywire at the last moment.  

5. Send press releases to local media and industry websites   

press releases to local media and industry websites   

Sending press releases to local media is a sure-shot way to give the event the hype it deserves in your locality. You can also check Google Event Calendars for your city and check the types of events planned for the day you are going to have your event. It’s also equally important to send PRs and newsletters to industry players and trade associations to be on the right road to event marketing. The key lies in hyping the event in the local press and if you manage that successfully, your event would definitely pass the test.    

6. Reach out to local business for sponsorship/ partnership  

You can easily improve the visibility of your event by reaching out to local businesses and by getting some sort of partnership with them on the event. Leave your pamphlets or brochures with them and hope for sponsorship or some sort of partnership. You can team up with such businesses on the merit of adding value to each other and this will definitely work big time. Plus, who knows you may also be able to get a well-deserved sponsor for your event.   

7. Keep the momentum on before and during the event

It takes sustained effort to achieve success with event organization and the earlier you know this the better. You should never lower the guard at least till the event is finished. The reached work is to build the momentum prior to the event by using all your resources and messaging platforms to draw more attention. If you’re able to keep the excitement level up, there is no way your event can’t achieve success and deliver as much value to customers as you anticipate.

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