Everything About Physiotherapy

History of physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is the oldest form of therapy that helps in treating problems. Physiotherapy exist from 1000s of year back & known as the 3rd biggest profession globally.
In ancient time these therapies are used by Chinese therapist used to correct the body posture of people doing Cong fu. Indian therapist are known for its techniques of treatment still the best techniques to treat patients.
In 1923 professor Nicholas Andry of Medical Faculty, Paris introduced facts like exercising helps in building muscles.
Physiotherapy was earliest founded by Per Henrik Ling father of Swedish gymnastics & the founder of Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics. After few years it was also became popular in America & Europe. Many forms of the therapies were adopted by ling from Chinese martial arts called Tunia.
According to the archaeologist, therapies like was used in countries like India, Greece, China, Japan from thousands of year and still the best techniques to treat you can easily search for physiotherapy service at home on the internet to find best one.
In 20th century physiotherapy industry is changed a lot & still developing with latest technologies and techniques and helping patients to recover without depending on medicines.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a therapy done to restore and maintain the mobility and functioning of joints. Physiotherapy helps you in physical rehabilitation, prevention of injury & health.
When should I need physiotherapist?
Main questions always comes in the audience mind is when do you require physiotherapy treatments. If you are having any injury, pain that affects your everyday body functioning. You may refer to physiotherapy for problems like:
● Arthritis ●Breast Cancer ●Chronic pain syndrome ●Frozen Shoulder ●Headaches ●Heel & Foot Main ●All types of back pain ●Accident injuries ●Neck Pain ●Nee pain ●Sprains & strains ●Pediatric condition ●Post surgery ●Repetitive strain ●Running Injuries ●sport/orthopedic injuries ●Hip replacement ●heart attack ●Ankle sprain ●Fractures ●Old age Physiotherapy ●Neuro rehab ●Specialty care.
You can also ask for Physiotherapy service at home.
Thinking to use health insurance for covering the cost of physiotherapy remembers to visit the insurance company. If physiotherapy is not covered in your insurance you have to pay for the physiotherapy service.

There are 4 different types of physiotherapy. Orthopedics, Neurologic, Pediatric, Geriatric. Each therapy requires different treatment techniques & methods.
Each type of physiotherapy requires different types of exercises depending on the condition, therapist may also refer you to massages, joint manipulation, soft tissue techniques & much more. This helps you to improve your health, joint mobilization & quality of life.
- Orthopedics Physiotherapy-
Are you experiencing back pain, neck pain, strains, and fractures? Orthopedics help you to get relief from these problems. An experienced therapist will treat your muscle disorders that affect your mobility.
This treatment needs some stretching exercises, massage, ice & heat therapy techniques. It also recommends home exercises that help you to heal fast.
Select the best physiotherapist specialized in your issue. If these problems are not treated properly it can be a serious issue later. You can also ask for a Physiotherapy service at home.
- Neurologic Physiotherapy-
This includes problems related to your nervous system like trouble in moving, speaking, swallowing, breathing etc. You can also face problem like memory loss, sense ,mood etc. there is so important for patients facing any problem if If these problems are not treated properly it can be a serious issue later. You can also ask for Physiotherapy service at home.
- Pediatric Physiotherapy-
These types of therapy help in preventing & treating disorders that affects mobility in children’s & teens like cerebral palsy, join diseases, birth problems & slow developments.
This therapy requires expert therapist which recommends exercises & treatment which build strength, mobility & helps you to live a normal life. . If these problems are not treated properly it can be a serious issue later. You can also ask for Physiotherapy service at home.
- Geriatric Physiotherapy-
In general, this type of treatment is required by adults & old age people when they face aging process.
This therapy requires an expert therapist to treat age-related problems like incontinence, arthritis, or mobility which helps you to live a normal life. If these problems are not treated properly it can be a serious issue later. You can also ask for a Physiotherapy service at home.