Find Top 6 Most Useful Bicycle Tools You Need to Have

If you own a bike at home, you should have a set of bicycle tools that you keep with you at all times. This set of tools will be able to assist you in the problems that you have with your bike anytime. If it is possible, you need to carry the tool with you everywhere and every time you ride your bicycle.
It aims to avoid any difficulties when the problems related to the bikes appear. There are some tools that must present in your bicycle tool box. If you do not have these tools, you will find it difficult to overcome the problems that your bike causes.
1. Tubes
The first bicycle tools you must have are tubes. The plural form of the tube here means that you have to have more than one tube. If you have a bike at home, it is suggested that you have at least two tubes with you. Tubes or tire valves can be found in almost every bike store around you.
There are two types of tire valve that are released recently, which can be used in almost every bike. Those tubes are called “presta” and “shrader”. The former is a valve tire that comes from France. It is also called French valve. This valve is characterized as small and thin. The latter, on the other hand, is bigger than the former. This valve looks a lot like a car tire valve.
2. Lever
The second tool is a lever for the tires. This tool is one of important bicycle tools that you should have. Lever is shaped like a beer bottle opener. This tool is used to detach the tires from the wheels. However, it can break the tires. That is why you have to be really careful in using it. If you go to bike stores, you will find that lever is sold in a set.
3. Bicycle Pump
The third tool is a bicycle pump. This is one of the most essential bicycle tools that people must have. The bike pump that you should have is the one that can be attached to your bike. People call this kind of pump as a frame pump. The characteristic of this pump is that this pump is very light.
This pump can be a life saver for you if you experience a flat tire during your cycling activities. However, it can be pretty hard to pump a flat tire with this frame pump if you are not experienced in doing so. Thus, you have to practice first before using this kind of pump.
4. Patch Repair Kit
Other bicycle tools that are needed are a bicycle patch repair kit, which serves as a back up when there is a sudden flat tire; a “Presta” valve adapter that is used to repair a flat tire that your friend may have, which weighs less than the frame pump; and carbon dioxide cartridge inflation that you can use when you do not have times to fix a flat tire yourselves. These tools are really necessary to possess. Therefore, if you have not had them with you, you should buy them right away.
5. Cleaning Liquid
Furthermore, there are also some maintenance bicycle tools that you should have. First tool that is necessary for the bike you own is cleaning liquid. This liquid is usually sold with soft cloths. You can use the soft cloths to help you apply the cleaning liquid on your bike. However, you have to be careful in doing this so that your bikes will not get any damages from this.
6. Scredriver
The second maintenance tool is a screwdriver. You have to have, at least, two kinds of screwdriver for your bike, which are flat head and cross-head or Phillips screwdrivers. Next tool that needs to be possessed is pliers. You need to have short and long pliers in this case. The following tool is a wire cutter that you usually can get together with the pliers. A small hammer is also needed here to hit something in your bike into its correct place.
Other maintenance tools that are necessary for your bike are plastic tire levers, which are used to peel off the bike tires; torch that is employed to calibrate the disc brakes; a set of wrenches that can be utilized to overcome many problems occurred in your bike; brush, which is deployed to clean the various parts of your bike; and also a toothbrush that is used to brush the bike parts that are hard to reach.