Top 6 Benefits of Doing Meditation in Daily Routine
Meditation is an exercise developed in the East was associated in its beginnings exclusively to religious beliefs, it is currently performed for therapeutic and relaxation purposes, due to the innumerable benefits that it gives to the body for Stay Young and Healthy. According to experts, meditation is a great option when it comes to reducing our stress indexes, which are increasing more and more due to the busy pace and daily tasks.

Several studies have shown that meditating can bring more benefits to health than previously believed. Far from being a practice developed by millenarian religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism, now scientists are beginning to convince themselves of meditation as a vehicle to achieve mental and physical well-being. Here is a list of the main benefits which helps in daily performance:
1. Reduces Anxiety
“If there is tension in the body it is because you are not breathing properly”, is a famous phrase of the monk Thich Nhat Hanh. Meditation through long and prolonged breathing causes levels of serotonin in the brain to level out, several studies have shown.
With serotonin comes the feeling of well-being and proportionally, the reduction of anxiety, which is often somatized in the body. So it is not surprising that those pains of the muscles in the back, or sufferings in the nerves after this practice.
2. Improves Concentration
In addition to sitting and breathing, meditation is an exercise in concentration. Unlike the common belief that meditation is about not thinking about anything, this exercise at an initial level focuses on the concentration of one thing, such as breathing itself.
Researchers at the University of California studied the relationship between meditation and the brain. What they discovered surprised them: those who practiced meditation frequently had a thicker layer of cells on the cerebral cortex. Apparently, the connections between neurons coming from the natural synapse process had modified the structure of the brain thanks to the efforts of concentration that were carried out regularly.
3. Elevates Performance
Recently some international companies such as Google have incorporated meditation as a mechanism to improve the performance of their workers. Far from overloading its employees, the company included a meditation project since 2007 so that the engineers working in that company occupy 20% of their free time. The reasons for implementing this project were based on the fact that a worker who practices meditation is in a better disposition to make decisions due to his emotional well-being.
4. Best Sleep
Meditating also brings another benefit: helps you fall asleep. A study presented in 2009 during an international conference called Sleep, found in patients who used sleeping pills that after meditating for two months, 75% of them stopped needing such pills. The reason? Again it could be in the neurotransmitters of the brain. Meditar collaborates to increase the segregation of dopamine, which is responsible for people to sleep, and also the quality of their nap.
5. Stress-Free
One of the ways in which we can handle daily stress, which is caused by small everyday situations and may be responsible for episodes of anxiety or irritability, is through meditation.
Perhaps many people can think of meditation as sitting on the floor in silence, with incense and candles and repeating “Ohm” many times; but it really is something much closer and more accessible than we think. Meditation is usually used to relax the mind, to free it from thoughts and to focus on the present moment (what is now known as mindfulness).
6. Positive Emotions
Emotions play a very important role in health. Specifically, positive emotions help reduce the symptoms, serve as protective agents and contribute to improving health behaviors such as maintaining a diet, giving up substance abuse and sleeping better.
When we are positive we have better relationships, we receive more appreciation from others, and we resolve conflicts first. On the other hand, we have more creativity and aptitude to solve difficult situations, we find more solutions to our problems and we are more capable of making decisions.
Meditating helps us to get used to responding positively to situations. Through constant practice, we learn to look at things from another perspective and to consider aspects that we did not consider.
The most important thing we can extract from all this is that we can do anything in this world. But due to some incidents, we influence what life brings us.
We cannot prevent things from happening, but we have the choice to respond to them with more wisdom. If we know how to respond the problems, for having a life full of happiness and without stress Meditation is the best step.