8 Crucial E-Commerce Website Test Cases
Experiments are the scripted or non-scripted situations made to check the functionalities of an eCommerce site or application. Here we have aggregated a definite plan and the main experiments that your internet business site testing group needs to zero in on –
Web-based business site experiment

1. General Test Cases
General experiments for eCommerce sites/applications should be formed nicely and in a straightforward way. Make a point to focus on the littlest of things like the cooperative nature of the landing page, simplicity of route across the item classes, or whether the item’s image is developing snaps and some more.
Among a portion of the overall tests that you need to perform on your site incorporate –
- Diverting of the site connects to address item/classification pages
- Away from of the item, value, class name, value, organization logo, and item depiction
- Are altogether the class pages have an important item recorded explicitly for the classification?
- On the off chance that the tally of the absolute number of items recorded on the classification pages is right
2. Landing page Test Cases
Landing pages in internet business sites go a long ways past basic plan highlights. By and large observed as an interactive picture or slideshow with auto-scroll diverting your site guests to the particular pages, it is, truth be told, a hearty device for advertising purposes.
The landing page goes about as a profile space of your eCommerce site, making testing an essential segment at this stage. The basic things that QA group needs to zero in on with the landing page incorporate –
- Is the page going to auto-scroll, and at what span will the pictures be invigorated?
- When the client drifts over it, will be it going to look to the following one?
- When tapped on, is it taking the client to the correct page and right item bargain?
- Is the stacking speed worthy?
- Could the remainder of the substance be seen easily, including bulletins, pennants, online media joins in the webpage footer, and so on?
- Does the landing page show up similar path in various programs and screen goals?
3. Search Test Cases
The hunt highlight is one of the most ordinarily utilized alternatives in an eCommerce store. Indeed, even a broad and naturally classification configuration some of the time makes it hard for clients to discover the item they’re searching for. This makes it fundamental to test search highlights and make it simpler for clients to find items rapidly absent a lot of problem.
Significant things to test in the hunt highlight incorporate –
- Is the inquiry accessible dependent on the item name, brand name, and so on?
- Are diverse sort alternatives accessible dependent on boundaries, for example, value, brand, audits/appraisals, and then some?
- What is the ideal number of results to show per page?
- For multi-page results, are there choices accessible to explore between them?
It is significant here to take note of that the client can look for an item directly on the landing page or from any of the inside pages. Thus, your site search must be adjusted likewise.
4. Suggested Products
This is a basic part that is to a great extent ignored in eCommerce testing. After the buy is made by the customer, there is a subsequent meeting that includes demonstrating clients suggested things which they can buy further. It is a significant segment to test since it goes about as an anchor to win client unwaveringness over the long haul. Significant things to check here incorporate –
- Check if the proposals given to clients are of significant items that will intrigue the customer
- Are the suggestions appearing on the page following the customer affirms the request they have made?
5. Installments
Fruitless or bombed exchanges are one of the fundamental reasons why most clients leave a site or online store without finishing the buy. This makes installments one of the most pivotal experiments for running an effective online business site. Here are a portion of the significant things to test on the installments page –
- Checking for all the distinctive installment alternatives beginning to end
- Would customers be able to look at as visitors to make installments? Or then again would it be advisable for them to enlist prior to looking at?
- On account of returning clients, does the page brief them to sign in?
- Security testing for the capacity of client Mastercards or some other monetary data. It is imperative to find a way to guarantee that client monetary data is exceptionally secure
- When the installment is made, what’s the return page characterized?
- Does the client get a request affirmation as an email/instant message alongside the request number whenever it’s finished?
6. Cart
Shopping baskets are one of the vital highlights of an eCommerce site, and this requires careful testing. It permits the clients to effortlessly choose and store different things in their shopping basket and buy them at the same time. Among a portion of the principle experiments which should be important for testing a shopping basket incorporate –
- On the off chance that all things and their sums are shown in the truck
- Choice to add things to the truck and keep shopping
- Material charges according to area
- Alternative to add more things to the truck with exact complete reflecting
- Alternative to eliminate things from the truck
- Precise computation of transportation costs with various delivery alternatives
- Alternative to apply coupons
7. Item Details Page
In eCommerce site testing, testing the item page is as significant as racking the merchandise accessible in a physical retail location. Accordingly testing that these items show effectively on the site is vital.
Considering how the item page shows a great deal of important data, including the item depiction, picture, particular, and evaluating, this data must be directed precisely at whatever point a client signs in. Significant things to check here incorporate –
- Cost of item
- Picture or pictures
- Particulars (size, shading, or varieties alternatives)
- Surveys and look at alternatives.
- Transportation data
- Conveyance alternatives
- In-stock/unavailable subtleties
8. Post-Order Test Cases
When we put in a request on an eCommerce site, there are numerous activities that we can do identified with the buy. Testing the post-buy usefulness is, along these lines, a significant part of eCommerce testing. The absolute most significant post-buy experiments incorporate –
- Checking if the client can drop the request or change the amount of the request
- If the client can audit the new request and history of bought things
- Check if the client can change charging/transportation or other profile data.